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Columbia High School

Dekalb County Schools


Library Catalog

Utilize our online catalog to find books and resources.
Click here to access Destiny. 

Sign-up for Silent Book Club

Silent Book Club is a great way to meet new people and find bibliophiles like yourself!
Here, students will bring their own book (or checkout one from the library prior to meeting). There's no assigned reading, so there is no pressure to reach a certain page number for discussion or struggle through something you're not interested in.
We will meet in the library twice a month and read together in quiet camaraderie. Once the timer goes off, we will discuss what we are reading with each other. 

All readers are welcome—ebooks or audiobooks, poetry or prose, fiction or non-fiction... it's BYOBook.

National Novel Writing Month & Creative Writing

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is a fun, empowering approach to creative writing. The challenge: draft an entire novel in just one month. For 30 wild, exciting, surprising days, you get to lock away your inner editor, let your imagination take over, and just create! Each day, writers receive a new prompt or challenge to create and resolve.

Sign-up for your NaNoWriMo Young Writers account today and join the CHS Library's class to participate. 
- 24 NaNoWriMo Class Code: SHYNRYHL 
- From your dashboard, locate the "Take the Challenge" heading. Then click "Yes, start a new novel for it!" 

Do you just want a place for creative writing?
- Join our Creative Writing Group using code: BGOBWLBY

See Ms. Stallings in the library or visit the NaNoWriMo Getting Started page for help getting started.

Do I have to join one of the library's classes to participate in NaNoWriMo or my own creative writing?
No. These "classes" were created to foster a sense of community, you are free to create an account on the website without joining our class.

Contact Us

Adrien Stallings, Teacher-Librarian
Kadesch Blackshear, Library Media Assistant

eBooks & Audiobooks

Research & Information Tools

See a member of the library staff for password(s) OR Access these resources through Launchpad (Clever) for Single Sign-On.