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February Break

Columbia High School

Dekalb County Schools


GA Milestones - End of Course Testing

Georgia Milestones has a variety or resources to better understand the content and format of the assessment including Study Guides designed for parents and students and the Desmos Calculator site to better understand the new online calculator. 

Academics at Columbia High School

Advanced Placement Courses

Columbia High School seeks to make AP courses available to all well-qualified students with the goal of all college-bound students taking at least one AP course before graduation. Part of the fulfillment and the culmination of that course is the Advanced Placement exam. It is required that all students in an AP course take the AP exam in May. Students in AP courses are held to a high level of academic expectations. Because AP courses are at the college level, appropriate student behavior and maturity are required. 
AP Courses Offered
AP Environmental Science (NEW for 2023-24)
AP Lang
AP Lit Comp
AP Government
AP US History
AP World History

Magnet Program

The Columbia High School Magnet Program for High Achievers is designed to challenge students who will benefit from a fast-paced, stimulating environment. Our program provides a rigorous interdisciplinary course of study that meets the needs of highly motivated students. Special emphasis is placed on preparing students to succeed through higher-order critical thinking skills, creative and cooperative teaching, fluency in a second language, computer-based and multimedia instruction, and the infusion of multicultural literature.

- Hetal Raval, Magnet Coordinator