Hello Senior Parents,
You are receiving this message because your Senior is currently failing one or more classes. Please note that failing a class could impact your child's graduation in May.
How can you support your child so that they can graduate in May 2025?
Please speak with your Senior about their grades and contact their teacher, and/or counselor regarding opportunities for remediation, extra credit, resubmission of assignments, etc.
Ensure that your child comes to school daily and on time. Coming to school late means your child is missing out on valuable instructional time.
Ensure that your child attends all their classes daily.
Encourage your child to participate in Operation Graduation Restore
We will be hosting Operation Graduation Restore Day for all seniors failing one or more classes on Thursday, March 13, 2025, from 8am-3:10pm @ Columbia HS
This is an opportunity to improve their failing grades during the school day
Seniors will be required to spend the day supervised by certified teachers completing assignments to help improve their grades
All work will be collected and turned in to your child's teacher at the end of the day to be graded. Teachers will grade and update grades in Infinite Campus.
This is NOT optional—seniors who are failing must attend
Again, failing a class during your child's senior year could result in not graduating in May. We need your support to ensure that your child will walk across the stage in May, so please don't ignore this email.
Thanks in advance for supporting Operation Graduation 2025.